A solution that will transform the way your work…
No software to install. Unlike conventional software, the Register of Interest application requires no installation thus removing the problems that are often associated with installed software, for example avoiding the hassle and memory usage of installation software on every device. Information can be accessed 24/7 and is totally flexible, offering access from almost any device or browser.
Totally web-based. With a web-based application, an organisation has the peace of mind that should computer equipment be damaged or stolen, it can very quickly be back to ‘business as usual’. This is because the application stores information on remote server, so you can log-in securely to any computer or mobile device and can be up and running again in no time.
Completely self service application. Allow each councillor to input their own information therefore freeing up council staff to concentrate on other tasks and duties. No more paper copies that have to be scanned in and uploaded.
Fulfil your councils obligation for providing full transparency. The council has a responsibility to ensure the public have full knowledge of a councillor’s interests, by using the Register of Interest application the council can fulfil this requirement with the minimum of input.